The Spark of Intelligent LED's

June 21, 2010

High power Intelligent LED has been released by spark, which utilize Cree LED's. The series of Street lights would be more effective and reliable to tackle the issue of heat release and intelligent LED street lights will become more stable, Spark claimed.

An intelligent driver controls the intelligent LED illumination, which act as a backbone of this particular product and play a significant role behind its illumination. A central control system is going to lead it and lamp brightness can be controlled from 0% to 100%. The company highly claimed that this kind of features, could immensely improve the quality of road lighting. LED technology is now being accompanied by intelligent lighting systems to control the intensity of the lights at the time of dimming of the lamp. All the lamps are interacted with each other, so the condition will be reached and controlled in a remote manner.

Feature of spark intelligent led light features are: -

1) Temperature control

2) Remote Control

3) A beam pattern rectangular Cree LED's, with varied range of choices are available: 240W, 120W, 180W, 120W and 60W.

Another new portal has opened in the form illuminating LED’s in the world to give a new heights to power conservation and extreme electronic performance.










Best Use of LEDS

May 6, 2010

There are many types of Led available today. But, how to make the best use of them Led, in order to cater your needs.  As there is a famous quote “Technology creates confusion, when it comes to choices.”  Led has some unique qualities but a lot of varieties as well. Based on user application and customization, LED’s are of generally can be classified into three major groups.

 A member of LED family is “Miniature” led which is a form of Led that are available in very small size. The...

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April 11, 2010
Led is commonly known as Light emitting diode. Led is a popular semiconductor which emits light when voltage is applied to it, hence it is popular due to its property of illumination. Whether they are external or internal light resources LED is a promising option in the electronic and electrical industry.  Led is a light resource which does not produce heat while working unlike filament bulb. The device requires a very little maintenance, generate lights of varied colors. 

It is a noted fact t...

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Advantages of the LED illumination

February 22, 2010

The advantages over conventional lighting is a LED lifespan of about 50,000-100,000 hours, with little emission of heat or UV energy consumption up to 90% lower.

No adverse effects, nor Environment tax as LED devices do not scatter or ultraviolet or infrared rays.
They do not contain metals or gases harmful  to the atmosphere and our health, being manufactured under the ROHS standard, not like the compact flour lamps (CFL) or traditional fluorescent tubes.

The huge energy saving is finished ...

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